Your Exclusive Talent Network

Help your Portfolio Companies hire faster and smarter with one click!
Demo with Founder
Create your own scale and sector relevant talent pool and share it with your entire portfolio.
Your Exclusive Talent Network
Save your time
Build and manage a high quality network of experts
Give your companies a hiring intelligence advantage and save on portfolio recruitment fees
Laura - Head of
Portfolio Talent
octopus ventures
“Startup Lane enables founders to connect with great candidates and creates opportunity for discovery for both parties, leading to placements and partnerships that may otherwise have not happened. It’s a valuable tool for our team, and especially for our founder community.”
Director of People
“When we consider a new leadership hire, Startup Lane is the first place we go. We can literally browse the market and have early conversations with executive candidates at different seniority levels. Free shortlisting, no retainer, and no cost per hire - but still amazing candidates. What’s not to love?”
octopus ventures
“We’ve seen a bad executive hire can set a company’s trajectory back years. Startup Lane provides our portfolio with the information and tools they need to reduce the likelihood of such a costly mistake.”

Build a Talent Ecosystem for your entire Portfolio

Build & Share your curated Candidate Database

Create your talent pool in seconds
Get instant access to a  personalised talent portal for all your Leadership, NED and Advisory networks
Add and manage candidates with one click
Onboard candidates to your portal by asking them to complete a 3 minute, start-up friendly form
Grant access to your entire portfolio
Allow all your portfolio companies to view, share and contact candidates
Build & Share your curated Candidate Database

Showcase your amazing portfolio of companies

Help companies appeal to the best candidates
Showcase your portfolio in a way that’s relevant for Execs & NEDs looking to work at VC backed companies
Easily match candidates with desired companies
Use filters and data analytics to quickly match companies with the most relevant candidates
Tell candidates what makes your portfolio special
Share details about the market opportunity and why you were excited to invest
Quickly evaluate candidates using Data

Match your portfolio with the most relevant talent

Help your portfolio find the right talent as they scale
Use our Crunchbase integration to share candidates with the right blend of stage and sector experience
Enhance candidate profiles with funding data
Enable your portfolio companies to quickly see at what funding stage candidates joined / left their employers
Match amazing companies with great candidates
Automatically build game changing candidate and company profiles and allow them to meet and create value
Match your portfolio with the most relevant talent

Power-up your internal recruiting. You’ll be in good company.

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See Startup Lane in action
Click here to watch a quick video, or book a demo to get the full Startup Lane experience
Learn about Pricing
View pricing here or just book a demo with us and we can chat it through.